Friday, February 20, 2009

Randy Pausch's Last Lecture: Achieving Your Childhood Dreams

Randy Pausch's Last Lecture was a great lecture to watch. In the beginning of the lecture Randy tells the audience about numerous tumors he has located in his liver. Although most people would be absolutely horrified by this news, Randy Pausch was not. He was an extremely healthy man, and his ultimate goal in life was to teach people how to achieve their dreams. The three main points Randy Pausch covered in his lecture were his childhood dreams, how to enable the dreams of others, and how to use the information he was teaching to help you achieve your own dreams or enable the dreams of others. The first topic that he covered in his lecture was his childhood dreams.

All of the dreams that Randy had as a child, he set out to achieve. The first dream he talked about in the lecture was being in zero gravity. Randy did achieve this dream through a project he and his classmates did for NASA, and he said the feeling was absolutely awesome. The second dream he discussed was playing in the NFL. Randy, unfortunately, did not make it to the big time in football, but he did enjoy playing football as a child. He noted in his lecture that football taught him fundamentals and hard work, and it helped him learn important positive character traits such as teamwork and sportsmanship. Third, he talked about his dream to author an article in the World Book Encyclopedia. Again, Randy worked very hard to achieve his dream, and he was successful. He authored an article about Virtual Reality. Fourth, he discussed his dream of becoming Captain Kirk. Because he knew this dream would be extremely difficult, he changed his dream to just meeting Captain Kirk. He was able to achieve this dream, and he said it was very awesome to be able to meet his boyhood idle. The fifth dream he talked about was winning stuffed animals. Once again, he worked very hard and was able to achieve this goal. During his presentation, he showed many pictures of all the theme park stuffed animals he had won, and he brought a few on to the stage as giveaways. The last dream he discussed was his dream to become a Disney Imagineer. During Randy's first try to become a Disney Imagineer, he was rejected. Although he had hit what he called a "brick wall", he did not let this setback discourage him. He stated "Brick walls are there for a reason: they let us prove how badly we want things." Randy continued to strive to achieve his childhood dream, and eventually the good news came. He was able to go for a company he was working for and work in the Imagineer department on the Aladdin project. His job was to publish a paper about virtual reality pertaining to the Aladdin project. After completely his task of publishing the paper, Randy was offered a job as a real Disney Imagineer. He turned down the job as an Imagineer, stating that it could be overly stressful, but he continued to work as a consultant in the Imagineer department one day a week.

The second topic Randy discussed was how he could work to enable the dreams of others just like he had done for himself. As a professor, Randy was in the perfect place to be able to influence the lives of other people. The first person Randy was able to help as a professor was a student named Tommy. Tommy's dream was to work on a Star Wars film. Tommy worked doing undergraduate studies in Randy Pausch's class, but when it was time for Randy to move to Carnegie Mellon Tommy did not follow him. Tommy had achieved his childhood dream. He received an offer to work on the Star Wars films. In order for Randy to achieve his goal in greater depths, Randy Pausch created a course at Carnegie Mellon that was called "Building Virtual Worlds." To Randy's surprise the course turned out absolutely fantastic the first year. The students were extremely talented, and the course turned into a show for the entire student body and for parents. Many people were interested in the talents of the students in the "Building Virtual Worlds" class, and they would come down every semester to look at the work the students in the class had created. Through this course, Randy was able to show his students what it felt like to have work that people appreciated and enjoyed. All the students knew that they had made great accomplishments through their work in his class. After ten years, Randy handed his position down as the instructor of this course, and moved on to what he called "The Dream Fulfillment Factory." As part of the "The Dream Fulfillment Factory" Don Marinelli and Randy Pausch created the Entertainment Technology Center which enabled graduate students to obtain a two year professional master's degree in Entertainment Technology. In this program students did five virtual reality projects to promote Entertainment Technology. Because of the strength of this course at Carnegie Mellon, companies began writing contracts promising to hire the students who received their master's degree in this course. Two of the companies were EA and Activision. Again, he had achieved his goal because he enabled these students to fulfill their dreams of working in Entertainment Technology.

During the last part of his lecture, Randy Pausch talked about "Lessons Learned," and he talked with the audience about how to achieve their dreams and how they could help to enable the dreams of others. First, Randy discussed the role of parents, mentors, teachers, and colleagues. During this discussion Randy explained how these people can influence the lives of children and help the children achieve their dreams. As a good role model, these people can guide children during their younger years in life and encourage them to be all that they can be. It is the job of a good role model to remind children that they can do anything that they set their mind to. Next, Randy talked about many good things to do to help in achieving goals. Randy said everyone should always try to be like Tigger in "Winnie the Pooh" and be happy. He reminded people to never lose the child-like wonders, and he said people should always help others. Randy said that everyone should always remain loyal, and they should never give up. He said everyone should always tell the truth, they should apologize when they screw up, and they should focus on other people, not themselves. Other things he mentioned included finding the best in everybody, showing gratitude, always working harder instead of complaining, and always remembering that brick walls help to show dedication.

At the very end of the show, the audience learned something they did not intend to learn when Randy Pausch started his lecture. He had told the audience that they would learn how to achieve their childhood goals and how to help other people achieve their childhood goals. Although these are great things for people to learn, the purpose of Randy's lecture was something different. His lecture provided what he called a "head fake" which is a lesson that someone does not know they are going to learn. Randy Pausch said the first head fake of his lesson was that the people should have learned not how to achieve their dreams but how to lead their life. The second head fake was that the lesson was not really for the audience. He actually recorded his last lecture for his children.


  1. Hey Briana,
    I loved Randy Pausch's Lecture. He is so motivational even after death. I can tell you watched every minute of it. I haved watched his lecture and read his book. I have found much inspiration from his teachings. He is the reason I went back to school.

  2. Great job! Love watching this video! anne

  3. Hey Briana - Loved your blog post and loved this video. anne
